General Information
A number of services are available to you and your visitors to make your time at Santa Marta Hospital
more pleasant whether you are an inpatient or just having tests as an outpatient.
Pastoral Care/Religious Services: This is our home and we welcome you as family. Clergy from the
Catholic Protestant and Jewish faiths are available to visit you during your stay at Santa Marta Hospital.
A sister and a Catholic priest also visit each patient in the Hospital every day and holy Communion is
distributed to Catholic patients. A sister is available 24 hours a day to assist any family in need at the
Chapel: The Catholic chapel is located off the main lobby. Daily Mass is not celebrated, but you are
welcome to visit for prayer. During the months of May and October, the rosary is prayed and the times
are posted outside the chapel.
Van Service: Santa Marta offers a courtesy van service for transportation to and from the hospital
Monday through Friday, from 8am. to 5pm. The van service is free for those living within an eight mile radius of Santa Marta and 24 hour advance notice is required. For more information call:
(323) 260 8629.
Cafeteria: The cafeteria is located on the ground floor and visitors are welcome. Discounts for
senior citizens are offered. Continental breakfast is served from 6:30am. to 7:30am. and breakfast
from 7:30am. to 9:30am. Lunch is served from 11:30am. to 2pm. Vending machines with snacks
and sodas are located just outside the cafeteria.
Translator Services: Several languages are spoken at Santa Marta Hospital to serve our Hispanic and
Asian patients. The vast majority of staff are bilingual in Spanish. Tagalog, Korean, Chinese, and other
languages are also easily accomodated.
Gift Shop: A variety of gift items, baby clothes and candy are on sale in our Gift Shop located off the
main lobby. Stop in and see what we have to offer!
Emergency Services: Our physician-staffed Emergency Department is available 24 hours a day to
service your emergency medical needs. You may telephone its nursing staff at any time if you have a
medical problem and are not sure what to do. Call: (323) 260 8588.
Volunteer Services: If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please call our public relations
Department at: (323) 260 8623>
Hay un gran numero de servicios disponibles para usted y a sus visitantes y asi hacer mas grata su estancia
en el Hospital Santa Marta ya sea que usted este internado o solo este recibiendo examenes como paciente
Servicios Religiosos: El Hospital Santa Marta le ofrece los servicios religiosos espirituales que usted
solicite. Una religiosa esta disponible para ayudarle a cualquier hora que usted o su familia lo necesite.
Capilla: El rosario se reza de lunes a viernes.
Servicio de Transporte: El Hospital Santa Marta ofrece servicio de transporte de cortesia de ida y vuelta
al hospital, de lunes a viernes, desde las 8am. hasta las 5pm. El servicio de transporte es gratis para
aquellas personas que viven en una area de 8 millas a la redonda del hospital, se requiere que avisen
con 24 horas de anticipacion. Llame al: (323) 260 8629 para obtener mas informacion.
Cafeteria: La cafeteria se encuentra en el sotano del hospital y los visitantes son bienvenidos.
Ofrecemos descuentos para los ancianos. El desayuno continental se sirve entre las 6:30am y a
Las 7:30am. El desayuno usual, se sirve entre las 7:30am. y las 9:30am. El almuerzo se sirve de
11:30am. a 2:00pm. Hay maquinas con bocadillos y sodas afuera de la cafeteria.
Servicio de Interprete:
En el Hospital Santa Marta se hablan diversos idiomas para servir a nuestros pacientes hispanos y
Asiaticos. La mayoria del personal es bilingue en Espaņol. Tambien tenemos personas que hablan
Tagalog, Koreano, Chino y otros idiomas.
Tienda de Regalos:
Hay de venta una variedad de articulos de regalo, ropa para bebe, dulces y articulos religiosos en
nuestra tienda de regalos. La tienda de regalos esta localizada en la sala de espera.
Servicios de Emergencia:
Nuestro Departamento de Emergencias esta abierto las 24 horas y cuenta con el personal medico para
atenderle a usted en sus emergencias de hospital. Si usted tiene un problema medico y no esta seguro
que debe hacer, puede llamar por telefono al personal de enfermeria y de los servicios de emergencia
en cualquier momento. Llame al (323) 260 8588.
Personal de Voluntarios:
Si usted esta interesado en pertenecer al servicio de voluntarios de Santa Marta por favor llame al departamento de relaciones publicas: (323) 260 8623.