Patient Responsibility |
1. Be considerate and respectful of the rights of other patients and of the hospital staff by assisting in the control of noise, the number of visitors and not smoking.
2. Give his/her physician(s) correct and complete information about the present medical complaint, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, and other matters relating to his/her health.
3. Report changes to his/her condition to his/her physician or nurse.
4. Tell the physician, nurse, or other person caring for him/her if he/she does not understand what the physician, nurses or others are doing to him/her and what the physicians and nurses expect him/her to do.
5. Follow the instructions of the physicians, nurses, and other people treating him/her and accepting the consequences if he/she refuses treatment or does not follow these instructions.
6. Keep the appointment with his/her physician(s).
1. Ser considerado y respetuoso de los derechos de otros paciente y de los empleados del hospital. Aceptando colaborar en el con trol del ruido, el námero de personas visitantes y el no fumar.
2. Dar al medico o ala enfermera la información completa y correcta acerca de su salud, enfermedades pasadas y presentes, hospitalizaciones y medicinas.
3. Informar todos los cambios de salud al medico o ala enfermer~
4. Informar a los medicos y las enfermeras si no entiende lo que otras personas encargadas de su cuidado necesitan o requierer de usted.
5. Seguir las instrucciones del medico, las enfermeras y el person encargado de su cuidado. Entendiendo y aceptando las consecuencias de no seguir esas instrucciones.
6. Cumplir las citas con su medico.
7. Respete las reglas del hospital.
8. Obey the hospital’s Rules and Regulations affecting Patient Care and Conduct.